#!/bin/bash - #=============================================================================== # # FILE: default.txt # # USAGE: curl https://getcroc.schollz.com | bash # OR # wget -qO- https://getcroc.schollz.com | bash # # DESCRIPTION: croc Installer Script. # # This script installs croc into a specified prefix. # Default prefix = /usr/local/bin # # OPTIONS: -p, --prefix "${INSTALL_PREFIX}" # Prefix to install croc into. Defaults to /usr/local/bin # REQUIREMENTS: bash, uname, tar/unzip, curl/wget, sudo (if not run # as root), install, mktemp, sha256sum/shasum/sha256 # # BUGS: ...hopefully not. Please report. # # NOTES: Homepage: https://schollz.com/software/croc # Issues: https://github.com/schollz/croc/issues # # CREATED: 08/10/2019 16:41 # REVISION: 0.9.2 #=============================================================================== set -o nounset # Treat unset variables as an error #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # DEFAULTS #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PREFIX="${PREFIX:-}" ANDROID_ROOT="${ANDROID_ROOT:-}" # Termux on Android has ${PREFIX} set which already ends with '/usr' if [[ -n "${ANDROID_ROOT}" && -n "${PREFIX}" ]]; then INSTALL_PREFIX="${PREFIX}/bin" else INSTALL_PREFIX="/usr/local/bin" fi #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # FUNCTIONS #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #--- FUNCTION ---------------------------------------------------------------- # NAME: print_banner # DESCRIPTION: Prints a banner # PARAMETERS: none # RETURNS: 0 #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- print_banner() { cat <<-'EOF' ================================================= ____ / ___|_ __ ___ ___ | | | '__/ _ \ / __| | |___| | | (_) | (__ \____|_| \___/ \___| ___ _ _ _ |_ _|_ __ ___| |_ __ _| | | ___ _ __ | || '_ \/ __| __/ _` | | |/ _ \ '__| | || | | \__ \ || (_| | | | __/ | |___|_| |_|___/\__\__,_|_|_|\___|_| ================================================== EOF } #--- FUNCTION ---------------------------------------------------------------- # NAME: print_help # DESCRIPTION: Prints out a help message # PARAMETERS: none # RETURNS: 0 #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- print_help() { local help_header local help_message help_header="croc Installer Script" help_message="Usage: -p INSTALL_PREFIX Prefix to install croc into. Directory must already exist. Default = /usr/local/bin ('\${PREFIX}/bin' on Termux for Android) -h Prints this helpful message and exit." echo "${help_header}" echo "" echo "${help_message}" } #--- FUNCTION ---------------------------------------------------------------- # NAME: print_message # DESCRIPTION: Prints a message all fancy like # PARAMETERS: $1 = Message to print # $2 = Severity. info, ok, error, warn # RETURNS: Formatted Message to stdout #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- print_message() { local message local severity local red local green local yellow local nc message="${1}" severity="${2}" red='\e[0;31m' green='\e[0;32m' yellow='\e[1;33m' nc='\e[0m' case "${severity}" in "info" ) echo -e "${nc}${message}${nc}";; "ok" ) echo -e "${green}${message}${nc}";; "error" ) echo -e "${red}${message}${nc}";; "warn" ) echo -e "${yellow}${message}${nc}";; esac } #--- FUNCTION ---------------------------------------------------------------- # NAME: make_tempdir # DESCRIPTION: Makes a temp dir using mktemp if available # PARAMETERS: $1 = Directory template # RETURNS: 0 = Created temp dir. Also prints temp file path to stdout # 1 = Failed to create temp dir # 20 = Failed to find mktemp #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- make_tempdir() { local template local tempdir local tempdir_rcode template="${1}.XXXXXX" if command -v mktemp >/dev/null 2>&1; then tempdir="$(mktemp -d -t "${template}")" tempdir_rcode="${?}" if [[ "${tempdir_rcode}" == "0" ]]; then echo "${tempdir}" return 0 else return 1 fi else return 20 fi } #--- FUNCTION ---------------------------------------------------------------- # NAME: determine_os # DESCRIPTION: Attempts to determine host os using uname # PARAMETERS: none # RETURNS: 0 = OS Detected. Also prints detected os to stdout # 1 = Unknown OS # 20 = 'uname' not found in path #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- determine_os() { local uname_out if command -v uname >/dev/null 2>&1; then uname_out="$(uname)" if [[ "${uname_out}" == "" ]]; then return 1 else echo "${uname_out}" return 0 fi else return 20 fi } #--- FUNCTION ---------------------------------------------------------------- # NAME: determine_arch # DESCRIPTION: Attempt to determine architecture of host # PARAMETERS: none # RETURNS: 0 = Arch Detected. Also prints detected arch to stdout # 1 = Unknown arch # 20 = 'uname' not found in path #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- determine_arch() { local uname_out if command -v uname >/dev/null 2>&1; then uname_out="$(uname -m)" if [[ "${uname_out}" == "" ]]; then return 1 else echo "${uname_out}" return 0 fi else return 20 fi } #--- FUNCTION ---------------------------------------------------------------- # NAME: download_file # DESCRIPTION: Downloads a file into the specified directory. Attempts to # use curl, then wget. If neither is found, fail. # PARAMETERS: $1 = url of file to download # $2 = location to download file into on host system # RETURNS: If curl or wget found, returns the return code of curl or wget # 20 = Could not find curl and wget #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- download_file() { local url local dir local filename local rcode url="${1}" dir="${2}" filename="${3}" if command -v curl >/dev/null 2>&1; then curl -fsSL "${url}" -o "${dir}/${filename}" rcode="${?}" elif command -v wget >/dev/null 2>&1; then wget --quiet "${url}" -O "${dir}/${filename}" rcode="${?}" else rcode="20" fi return "${rcode}" } #--- FUNCTION ---------------------------------------------------------------- # NAME: checksum_check # DESCRIPTION: Attempt to verify checksum of downloaded file to ensure # integrity. Tries multiple tools before failing. # PARAMETERS: $1 = path to checksum file # $2 = location of file to check # $3 = working directory # RETURNS: 0 = checkusm verified # 1 = checksum verification failed # 20 = failed to determine tool to use to check checksum # 30 = failed to change into or go back from working dir #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- checksum_check() { local checksum_file local file local dir local rcode local shasum_1 local shasum_2 local shasum_c checksum_file="${1}" file="${2}" dir="${3}" cd "${dir}" || return 30 if command -v sha256sum >/dev/null 2>&1; then ## Not all sha256sum versions seem to have --ignore-missing, so filter the checksum file ## to only include the file we downloaded. grep "$(basename "${file}")" "${checksum_file}" > filtered_checksum.txt shasum_c="$(sha256sum -c "filtered_checksum.txt")" rcode="${?}" elif command -v shasum >/dev/null 2>&1; then ## With shasum on FreeBSD, we don't get to --ignore-missing, so filter the checksum file ## to only include the file we downloaded. grep "$(basename "${file}")" "${checksum_file}" > filtered_checksum.txt shasum_c="$(shasum -a 256 -c "filtered_checksum.txt")" rcode="${?}" elif command -v sha256 >/dev/null 2>&1; then ## With sha256 on FreeBSD, we don't get to --ignore-missing, so filter the checksum file ## to only include the file we downloaded. ## Also sha256 -c option seems to fail, so fall back to an if statement grep "$(basename "${file}")" "${checksum_file}" > filtered_checksum.txt shasum_1="$(sha256 -q "${file}")" shasum_2="$(awk '{print $1}' filtered_checksum.txt)" if [[ "${shasum_1}" == "${shasum_2}" ]]; then rcode="0" else rcode="1" fi shasum_c="Expected: ${shasum_1}, Got: ${shasum_2}" else return 20 fi cd - >/dev/null 2>&1 || return 30 if [[ "${rcode}" -gt "0" ]]; then echo "${shasum_c}" fi return "${rcode}" } #--- FUNCTION ---------------------------------------------------------------- # NAME: extract_file # DESCRIPTION: Extracts a file into a location. Attempts to determine which # tool to use by checking file extension. # PARAMETERS: $1 = file to extract # $2 = location to extract file into # $3 = extension # RETURNS: Return code of the tool used to extract the file # 20 = Failed to determine which tool to use # 30 = Failed to find tool in path #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- extract_file() { local file local dir local ext local rcode file="${1}" dir="${2}" ext="${3}" case "${ext}" in "zip" ) if command -v unzip >/dev/null 2>&1; then unzip "${file}" -d "${dir}" rcode="${?}" else rcode="30" fi ;; "tar.gz" ) if command -v tar >/dev/null 2>&1; then tar -xf "${file}" -C "${dir}" rcode="${?}" else rcode="31" fi ;; * ) rcode="20";; esac return "${rcode}" } #--- FUNCTION ---------------------------------------------------------------- # NAME: create_prefix # DESCRIPTION: Creates the install prefix (and any parent directories). If # EUID not 0, then attempt to use sudo. # PARAMETERS: $1 = prefix # RETURNS: Return code of the tool used to make the directory # 0 = Created the directory # >0 = Failed to create directory # 20 = Could not find mkdir command # 21 = Could not find sudo command #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- create_prefix() { local prefix local rcode prefix="${1}" if command -v mkdir >/dev/null 2>&1; then if [[ "${EUID}" == "0" ]]; then mkdir -p "${prefix}" rcode="${?}" else if command -v sudo >/dev/null 2>&1; then sudo mkdir -p "${prefix}" rcode="${?}" else rcode="21" fi fi else rcode="20" fi return "${rcode}" } #--- FUNCTION ---------------------------------------------------------------- # NAME: install_file_freebsd # DESCRIPTION: Installs a file into a location using 'install'. If EUID not # 0, then attempt to use sudo. # PARAMETERS: $1 = file to install # $2 = location to install file into # RETURNS: 0 = File Installed # 1 = File not installed # 20 = Could not find install command # 21 = Could not find sudo command #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- install_file_freebsd() { local file local prefix local rcode file="${1}" prefix="${2}" if command -v install >/dev/null 2>&1; then if [[ "${EUID}" == "0" ]]; then install -C -b -B '_old' -m 755 "${file}" "${prefix}" rcode="${?}" else if command -v sudo >/dev/null 2>&1; then sudo install -C -b -B '_old' -m 755 "${file}" "${prefix}" rcode="${?}" else rcode="21" fi fi else rcode="20" fi return "${rcode}" } #--- FUNCTION ---------------------------------------------------------------- # NAME: install_file_linux # DESCRIPTION: Installs a file into a location using 'install'. If EUID not # 0, then attempt to use sudo (unless on android). # PARAMETERS: $1 = file to install # $2 = location to install file into # RETURNS: 0 = File Installed # 1 = File not installed # 20 = Could not find install command # 21 = Could not find sudo command #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- install_file_linux() { local file local prefix local rcode file="${1}" prefix="${2}" if command -v install >/dev/null 2>&1; then if [[ "${EUID}" == "0" ]]; then install -C -b -S '_old' -m 755 -t "${prefix}" "${file}" rcode="${?}" else if command -v sudo >/dev/null 2>&1; then sudo install -C -b -S '_old' -m 755 "${file}" "${prefix}" rcode="${?}" elif [[ "${ANDROID_ROOT}" != "" ]]; then install -C -b -S '_old' -m 755 -t "${prefix}" "${file}" rcode="${?}" else rcode="21" fi fi else rcode="20" fi return "${rcode}" } #--- FUNCTION ---------------------------------------------------------------- # NAME: install_file_cygwin # DESCRIPTION: Installs a file into a location using 'install'. If EUID not # 0, then attempt to use sudo. # Not really 100% sure this is how to install croc in cygwin. # PARAMETERS: $1 = file to install # $2 = location to install file into # RETURNS: 0 = File Installed # 20 = Could not find install command # 21 = Could not find sudo command #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- install_file_cygwin() { local file local prefix local rcode file="${1}" prefix="${2}" if command -v install >/dev/null 2>&1; then if [[ "${EUID}" == "0" ]]; then install -m 755 "${prefix}" "${file}" rcode="${?}" else if command -v sudo >/dev/null 2>&1; then sudo install -m 755 "${file}" "${prefix}" rcode="${?}" else rcode="21" fi fi else rcode="20" fi return "${rcode}" } #--- FUNCTION ---------------------------------------------------------------- # NAME: main # DESCRIPTION: Put it all together in a logical way # ...at least that is the hope... # PARAMETERS: 1 = prefix # RETURNS: 0 = All good # 1 = Something done broke #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- main() { local prefix local tmpdir local tmpdir_rcode local croc_arch local croc_arch_rcode local croc_os local croc_os_rcode local croc_base_url local croc_url local croc_file local croc_checksum_file local croc_bin_name local croc_version local croc_dl_ext local download_file_rcode local download_checksum_file_rcode local checksum_check_rcode local extract_file_rcode local install_file_rcode local create_prefix_rcode local bash_autocomplete_file local bash_autocomplete_prefix local zsh_autocomplete_file local zsh_autocomplete_prefix local autocomplete_install_rcode croc_bin_name="croc" croc_version="10.2.1" croc_dl_ext="tar.gz" croc_base_url="https://github.com/schollz/croc/releases/download" prefix="${1}" bash_autocomplete_file="bash_autocomplete" bash_autocomplete_prefix="/etc/bash_completion.d" zsh_autocomplete_file="zsh_autocomplete" zsh_autocomplete_prefix="/etc/zsh" print_banner print_message "== Install prefix set to ${prefix}" "info" tmpdir="$(make_tempdir "${croc_bin_name}")" tmpdir_rcode="${?}" if [[ "${tmpdir_rcode}" == "0" ]]; then print_message "== Created temp dir at ${tmpdir}" "info" elif [[ "${tmpdir_rcode}" == "1" ]]; then print_message "== Failed to create temp dir at ${tmpdir}" "error" else print_message "== 'mktemp' not found in path. Is it installed?" "error" exit 1 fi croc_arch="$(determine_arch)" croc_arch_rcode="${?}" if [[ "${croc_arch_rcode}" == "0" ]]; then print_message "== Architecture detected as ${croc_arch}" "info" elif [[ "${croc_arch_rcode}" == "1" ]]; then print_message "== Architecture not detected" "error" exit 1 else print_message "== 'uname' not found in path. Is it installed?" "error" exit 1 fi croc_os="$(determine_os)" croc_os_rcode="${?}" if [[ "${croc_os_rcode}" == "0" ]]; then print_message "== OS detected as ${croc_os}" "info" elif [[ "${croc_os_rcode}" == "1" ]]; then print_message "== OS not detected" "error" exit 1 else print_message "== 'uname' not found in path. Is it installed?" "error" exit 1 fi case "${croc_os}" in "Darwin" ) croc_os="macOS";; *"BusyBox"* ) croc_os="Linux" ;; "CYGWIN"* ) croc_os="Windows"; croc_dl_ext="zip"; print_message "== Cygwin is currently unsupported." "error"; exit 1;; esac case "${croc_arch}" in "x86_64" ) croc_arch="64bit";; "amd64" ) croc_arch="64bit";; "aarch64" ) croc_arch="ARM64";; "arm64" ) croc_arch="ARM64";; "armv7l" ) croc_arch="ARM";; "armv8l" ) croc_arch="ARM";; "armv9l" ) croc_arch="ARM";; "i686" ) croc_arch="32bit";; * ) croc_arch="unknown";; esac croc_file="${croc_bin_name}_v${croc_version}_${croc_os}-${croc_arch}.${croc_dl_ext}" croc_checksum_file="${croc_bin_name}_v${croc_version}_checksums.txt" croc_url="${croc_base_url}/v${croc_version}/${croc_file}" croc_checksum_url="${croc_base_url}/v${croc_version}/${croc_checksum_file}" echo "${croc_url}" "${tmpdir}" "${croc_file}" download_file "${croc_url}" "${tmpdir}" "${croc_file}" download_file_rcode="${?}" if [[ "${download_file_rcode}" == "0" ]]; then print_message "== Downloaded croc archive into ${tmpdir}" "info" elif [[ "${download_file_rcode}" == "1" ]]; then print_message "== Failed to download croc archive" "error" exit 1 elif [[ "${download_file_rcode}" == "20" ]]; then print_message "== Failed to locate curl or wget" "error" exit 1 else print_message "== Return code of download tool returned an unexpected value of ${download_file_rcode}" "error" exit 1 fi download_file "${croc_checksum_url}" "${tmpdir}" "${croc_checksum_file}" download_checksum_file_rcode="${?}" if [[ "${download_checksum_file_rcode}" == "0" ]]; then print_message "== Downloaded croc checksums file into ${tmpdir}" "info" elif [[ "${download_checksum_file_rcode}" == "1" ]]; then print_message "== Failed to download croc checksums" "error" exit 1 elif [[ "${download_checksum_file_rcode}" == "20" ]]; then print_message "== Failed to locate curl or wget" "error" exit 1 else print_message "== Return code of download tool returned an unexpected value of ${download_checksum_file_rcode}" "error" exit 1 fi checksum_check "${tmpdir}/${croc_checksum_file}" "${tmpdir}/${croc_file}" "${tmpdir}" checksum_check_rcode="${?}" if [[ "${checksum_check_rcode}" == "0" ]]; then print_message "== Checksum of ${tmpdir}/${croc_file} verified" "ok" elif [[ "${checksum_check_rcode}" == "1" ]]; then print_message "== Failed to verify checksum of ${tmpdir}/${croc_file}" "error" exit 1 elif [[ "${checksum_check_rcode}" == "20" ]]; then print_message "== Failed to find tool to verify sha256 sums" "error" exit 1 elif [[ "${checksum_check_rcode}" == "30" ]]; then print_message "== Failed to change into working directory ${tmpdir}" "error" exit 1 else print_message "== Unknown return code returned while checking checksum of ${tmpdir}/${croc_file}. Returned ${checksum_check_rcode}" "error" exit 1 fi extract_file "${tmpdir}/${croc_file}" "${tmpdir}/" "${croc_dl_ext}" extract_file_rcode="${?}" if [[ "${extract_file_rcode}" == "0" ]]; then print_message "== Extracted ${croc_file} to ${tmpdir}/" "info" elif [[ "${extract_file_rcode}" == "1" ]]; then print_message "== Failed to extract ${croc_file}" "error" exit 1 elif [[ "${extract_file_rcode}" == "20" ]]; then print_message "== Failed to determine which extraction tool to use" "error" exit 1 elif [[ "${extract_file_rcode}" == "30" ]]; then print_message "== Failed to find 'unzip' in path" "error" exit 1 elif [[ "${extract_file_rcode}" == "31" ]]; then print_message "== Failed to find 'tar' in path" "error" exit 1 else print_message "== Unknown error returned from extraction attempt" "error" exit 1 fi if [[ ! -d "${prefix}" ]]; then create_prefix "${prefix}" create_prefix_rcode="${?}" if [[ "${create_prefix_rcode}" == "0" ]]; then print_message "== Created install prefix at ${prefix}" "info" elif [[ "${create_prefix_rcode}" == "20" ]]; then print_message "== Failed to find mkdir in path" "error" exit 1 elif [[ "${create_prefix_rcode}" == "21" ]]; then print_message "== Failed to find sudo in path" "error" exit 1 else print_message "== Failed to create the install prefix: ${prefix}" "error" exit 1 fi else print_message "== Install prefix already exists. No need to create it." "info" fi [ ! -d "${bash_autocomplete_prefix}/croc" ] && mkdir -p "${bash_autocomplete_prefix}/croc" >/dev/null 2>&1 case "${croc_os}" in "Linux" ) install_file_linux "${tmpdir}/${croc_bin_name}" "${prefix}/"; install_file_rcode="${?}";; "FreeBSD" ) install_file_freebsd "${tmpdir}/${croc_bin_name}" "${prefix}/"; install_file_rcode="${?}";; "macOS" ) install_file_freebsd "${tmpdir}/${croc_bin_name}" "${prefix}/"; install_file_rcode="${?}";; "Windows" ) install_file_cygwin "${tmpdir}/${croc_bin_name}" "${prefix}/"; install_file_rcode="${?}";; esac if [[ "${install_file_rcode}" == "0" ]] ; then print_message "== Installed ${croc_bin_name} to ${prefix}/" "ok" elif [[ "${install_file_rcode}" == "1" ]]; then print_message "== Failed to install ${croc_bin_name}" "error" exit 1 elif [[ "${install_file_rcode}" == "20" ]]; then print_message "== Failed to locate 'install' command" "error" exit 1 elif [[ "${install_file_rcode}" == "21" ]]; then print_message "== Failed to locate 'sudo' command" "error" exit 1 else print_message "== Install attempt returned an unexpected value of ${install_file_rcode}" "error" exit 1 fi # case "$(basename ${SHELL})" in # "bash" ) install_file_linux "${tmpdir}/${bash_autocomplete_file}" "${bash_autocomplete_prefix}/croc"; # autocomplete_install_rcode="${?}";; # "zsh" ) install_file_linux "${tmpdir}/${zsh_autocomplete_file}" "${zsh_autocomplete_prefix}/zsh_autocomplete_croc"; # autocomplete_install_rcode="${?}"; # print_message "== You will need to add the following to your ~/.zshrc to enable autocompletion" "info"; # print_message "\nPROG=croc\n_CLI_ZSH_AUTOCOMPLETE_HACK=1\nsource /etc/zsh/zsh_autocomplete_croc\n" "info";; # *) autocomplete_install_rcode="1";; # esac # if [[ "${autocomplete_install_rcode}" == "0" ]] ; then # print_message "== Installed autocompletions for $(basename "${SHELL}")" "ok" # elif [[ "${autocomplete_install_rcode}" == "1" ]]; then # print_message "== Failed to install ${bash_autocomplete_file}" "error" # elif [[ "${autocomplete_install_rcode}" == "20" ]]; then # print_message "== Failed to locate 'install' command" "error" # elif [[ "${autocomplete_install_rcode}" == "21" ]]; then # print_message "== Failed to locate 'sudo' command" "error" # else # print_message "== Install attempt returned an unexpected value of ${autocomplete_install_rcode}" "error" # fi print_message "== Installation complete" "ok" exit 0 } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ARGUMENT PARSING #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- OPTS="hp:" while getopts "${OPTS}" optchar; do case "${optchar}" in 'h' ) print_help exit 0 ;; 'p' ) INSTALL_PREFIX="${OPTARG}" ;; /? ) print_message "Unknown option ${OPTARG}" "warn" ;; esac done #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # CALL MAIN #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- main "${INSTALL_PREFIX}"